Online Prakriti Parikshan


Ayurveda considers that each human being has an exclusive body type or Prakriti. Every person is born with a definite genetic constitution, determined by doshas, three vital energies, genetic and environmental factors, food and lifestyle, and the five elements (Panchmahabhuta).

Three major types of Prakriti reflect the predominance of that particular Dosha. Our body behaves according to the status of Dosha Prakriti and each offers a distinct physical and mental profile. 

If one knows their Prakriti, then avoiding and treating health issues is easy. Thus we offer Prakriti Parikshan to determine your unique psychosomatic temperature and help you make the right decisions for better living. 

Every human being has three doshas(Vata, Pita & Kapha) in unique proportions, this is Known as Prakriti. Prakriti Analysis has an important role in diagnosis of the patient in Ayurveda.

  • Take this simple test to know your Prakriti and find out how ayurvedic you are in your daily life. Book Now – Online Prakriti Parikshan and Get Personalized Root Cause Treatment.

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What do you mean by Prakriti?

Prakriti means inherent nature, character or the physical constitution or disposition of a person. Prakriti remains constant through the lifetime of an individual, means it cannot be changed. Most of us are born with a Prakriti that’s dominated by one or two doshas. We can say someone has a Vata Prakriti if their constitution is mostly Vata. Or that someone with a Prakriti that’s, say, 50% Pitta, 40% Vata, and 10% Kapha is a Pitta-Vata Prakriti. Whatever your Prakriti, if the doshas fluctuate it affects stimulus and can lead to diseases. As the Charaka Samhita states, “The attributes of the doshas resemble those of the factors that vitiate them.” When the any of the doshas accumulate in the body, the result is vikriti, which means the current state or manifest imbalance. Doshic imbalances can lead to innumerable diseases. So, keep an eye on your Vikriti, and do not hesitate to see a qualified practitioner for guidance.

What are Doshas?

Doshas refer to unique physical and mental constitution and they influence the personal well-being of humans. Each individual has their dominant dosha and knowing yours can help you maintain balance for good health and peace of mind. The Doshas, also known as Tridoshas are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Space and air combine to form Vata, which is responsible for all the nervous functions. The Vata imbalance causes 80 kinds of possible disturbances such as pain, stiffness, paralysis, hypertension, heart diseases to name a few. Fire and water combine to form Pitta that governs mainly enzymes and hormones in the body. It is also responsible for pigmentation, body temperature, hunger, thirst, sight, courage, digestion etc. The imbalance of this dosha leads to 40 kinds of possible disturbances like burning sensations, high body temperature, blue moles, jaundice, and pharyngitis. Water and earth combine to form Kapha which regulates the other two doshas. It is responsible for the solid nature of the body, connection of joints, sexual power, strength, patience etc. The Kapha imbalance causes 20 possible disturbances such as anorexia nervosa, laziness, mucus expectoration, hardening of the arteries, obesity, suppression of digestive power, etc. At CharakAshtanga, we not only recognize these Tridoshas but develop an optimum food and lifestyle program that balances them. When doshas are in balance, the individual is disease-free and when imbalanced, the disease begins to grow.

What are the basic principles of Ayurveda?

Ayurveda sees everything in the universe composed of 5 basic elements (Panchamahabhutas) – Space (Akash), Air (Vayu), Fire (Agni/Tejas), Water (Jala), and Earth (Prithvi). These five elements combine to give rise to three biophysical forces (Doshas) within the human body, Vata (air and space), Pitta (fire and water, and Kapha (water and earth). Together they govern all the biological, physiological and psychological functions of the mind and body as well as affects how an individual interacts with everything around them. Each human being is born with a unique combination of these Doshas which decides their basic constitution, the Prakriti. We at CharakAshtanga, understand each person’s Prakriti through Prakriti analysis and then tailor the diet, exercise, medicinal herbs, cleansing, and therapies that are right for them to maintain and restore the health.

How is Ayurveda different from modern medicines?

Modern medicines work on short-term plans. It treats the symptoms without addressing the root cause of a patient’s suffering. However, Ayurveda makes special contributions by addressing the uniqueness of each patient, i.e., Prakriti and helping them heal from the root cause of the ailment. Thus, Ayurveda offers a long term sustainable solution to patient suffering.